


Histopathogic image of chondrosarcoma of the chest wall.

Histopathogic image of chondrosarcoma of the chest wall.

Chondrosarcoma is one of the more common types of primary bone cancer accounting for about one-quarter of all cases. Chondrosarcoma (see sarcoma) is a cancerous growth of cartilage that can develop within a bone or on its surface. It occurs most frequently within long bones, such as a femur (thigh-bone), tibia (shin), and humerus (upper-arm bone).


Chondrosarcoma usually occurs in middle age and may develop from a benign tumor or from a previously normal area of bone. It causes pain, swelling, and, occasionally, tenderness. X-rays shown an abnormal area of bone. The tumor grows slowly and does not spread elsewhere until its later stages, so amputation above the tumor usually results in a permanent culture.


Chondrosarcoma is different from an osteosarcoma (cancer of bone cells), which has usually spread to other pars of the bone (e.g., lungs) before it causes any symptoms.